Supporting our telecommunications sector will drive our industrialization agenda


Tanzania is currently half way through its National Five-Year Development Plan “Nurturing Industrialisation for Economic Transformation and Human Development”. The plan has a dual focus, working towards growth and transformation, and poverty reduction.

One of the priority areas is fostering human development and social transformation, with a focus on health delivery systems, alongside education and skills development, and food security and nutrition.

Interestingly, digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in addressing key elements of the development goals, particularly with regards to access to key services.

For example, digital technologies are providing solutions for access to essential health services. The rise in the availability, affordability and usage of ICT is helping provide greater access to m-health services.

Tanzania has around 5.2 clinical health workers per 100,000 people. This is one-fifth the optimal ratio recommended by the World Health Organisation. The lack of access to health services impacts the vulnerable people the most and negatively affects the country’s overall human development.

In this environment, access to mobile health services offered by our country’s telecommunications services can, literally, be a lifeline.

As such, it is critical we support our telecommunications sector and ensure the best conditions are created to protect these services and foster growth.

One suggestion that has been offered by experts is to move towards a more consolidated market. Evidence suggests this will strengthen the sector and help provide better quality services for customers, including m-health.

Fortunately, two of our telcos – Tigo and Zantel – have expressed their interest in merging. The proposed merger would widen access to health services through the unified network, as customers from either Tigo or Zantel will be able to use the m-services provided by both.

This will be of huge benefit to those most in need.
For example, Zantel customers would be able to enjoy BIMA Mkononi. This is an m-health insurance product that Tigo recently launched in partnership with MILVIK Tanzania and Resolution Insurance, which offers cash back for every night customers have to stay in hospital. This product helps families manage the financial burden of illness.

Given the clear positive outcomes a wider network would have on Tanzania, the country should welcome the merger with open arms.

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