Tigo – Zantel merger will transform Tanzania’s economy for the better


In a recent special edition on Tanzania, Forbes Africa profiled the country’s telecoms sector, analyzing how it has helped build prosperity across the country.

Tanzania is set to reach its goal of becoming a middle-income, semi-industrialised nation by 2025 and the telecoms sector has undeniably been a critical driving force behind this progress.

The industry has revolutionised the lives of countless Tanzanians, by increasing connectivity and combating financial exclusion.

According to the TCRA, in December last year, Tanzania had over 43.5 million telecom subscribers.

Additionally, between 2009 and 2017, levels of financial exclusion almost halved. This is amazing progress, considering the Tanzanian National Financial Inclusion Framework 2018-2022 highlighted that 55 percent of the population were financially excluded ten years ago.

To guarantee this sector continues to thrive and helps build prosperity for all, it is essential the right conditions are created.

As it stands, the sector is crowded, with eight operators competing in the market.

Market consolidation is now being suggested as the way forward.

Interestingly, as part of Forbes’ recent feature, the magazine included interviews with the CEOs of Tigo Tanzania and Zantel – two of the country’s major telecoms companies who have expressed their intentions to merge their operations.

Within their interviews, both CEOs highlighted that the merger would create an environment that would support progress across the sector while providing better services for their customers.

We should support these companies and their desire to make a better and stronger telecoms market that delivers for all.

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